People living with HIV

Cynthia R Matonhodze_Aidsfonds_51

Key populations living with HIV face stigma due to fear and ignorance surrounding HIV transmission; and stigma due to negative societal attitudes and perceptions that exist towards same-sex relations, sex work and drug use. In most countries the HIV response is not sensitive to the needs of key populations living with HIV. Standard HIV prevention, treatment, care and support services often do not include relevant information for key populations living with HIV to live healthy and dignified lives. Health care providers are uninformed or there are legal and policy barriers that make it impossible to discuss sex work, drug use and same-sex relations in a health care setting.

To end the HIV epidemic, we need to enable communities most affected by and at risk of HIV. They play a crucial role in the solution, because they know best what is needed and what works. The Love Alliance programme brings all those communities together to end AIDS. The programme builds on existing evidence on the effectiveness of rights-based responses and advocates for adequate levels of funding and for taking truly human rights-based programmes to scale.

Putting communities at the heart of the HIV-response

We know that directly supporting communities that are at the highest risk of infection is the most effective approach in the response to HIV/AIDS. They know best what they need to remove the barriers to prevention and treatment. Through the participatory grantmaking model, we provide funding and structural support, including capacity strengthening, support in advocacy, and coalition building, to key population-led and/or key population-based organisations in the the Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA) region. We focus on the urgent unmet needs of key populations, strengthen the capacity of the community systems response –and its sustainability-, and address the scarcity and fragmentation of international funding for key populations.

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Two people holding hands

Love Alliance

Love Alliance

The Love Alliance is based on an unwavering commitment to protecting, promoting and fulfilling SRHR globally, unifying people who use drugs, sex workers and LGBTIQ+ movements, and amplifying the diversity of voices in these communities.

  • Adolescent girls and young women,
  • LGBTIQ+ people,
  • People living with HIV,
  • People who use drugs,
  • Sex workers,
  • Young people,
Read more about Love Alliance



The Thandizo approach supports young people living with HIV to adhere to treatment. It is a combination of support groups and a mobile app. This online application is used by Community Health Care Workers and peer educators. At the same time, the app collects data of responses, which supports health facilities to adapt services based on the needs of young people with HIV.

  • People living with HIV,
  • Young people,
Read more about Thandizo



B-wise aims to become the most trusted, personalised and engaging source of SRHR health information for adolescents and youth in South Africa.

  • Young people,
Read more about B-wise

Emergency support fund for Ukraine and CEECA region

Emergency support fund for Ukraine and CEECA region

The Emergency Fund provides uninterrupted services and safety for people living with and vulnerable to HIV in times of war and disruption in Central & Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA) region, including Ukraine. The region has the fastest growing HIV epidemic in the world. The Fund focuses on the urgent unmet needs of key populations, builds the capacity and sustainability of the community systems response, and addresses the scarcity and fragmentation of international funding for key populations. It provides small, middle and larger grants to local community-led and community-based organisations, who provide low-threshold, fast-paced, client-oriented aid to the people around them. Cooperation is at the core of our work: Aidsfonds has formed a partnership with Eurasion Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity (ECOM) and Alliance for Public Health (APH) on the establishment of this Emergency Fund.

  • Children,
  • LGBTIQ+ people,
  • People living with HIV,
  • People who use drugs,
  • Sex workers,
  • Young people,
Read more about Emergency support fund for Ukraine and CEECA region

Indonesia Healthy Cities with Pride

Indonesia Healthy Cities with Pride

Indonesia Healthy Cities with PRIDE (IHCP) aims to strengthen capacity for movements of young LGBTQI+ people across Indonesia to promote increased access to HIV services, reduction of stigma, discrimination, criminalisation and violence against young LGBTQI+ people, including young people living with HIV.

  • LGBTIQ+ people,
  • People living with HIV,
  • Young people,
Read more about Indonesia Healthy Cities with Pride
Illustration of a man in glasses and a blue shirt.

Tanya Marlo Indonesia – Stepped Care Model

Tanya Marlo Indonesia – Stepped Care Model

Tanya Marlo (‘Ask Marlo’) works to reach young people with quality HIV information and guides them to tailored advice and services, such as HIV self-testing and PrEP.

  • LGBTIQ+ people,
  • People living with HIV,
  • Young people,
Read more about Tanya Marlo Indonesia – Stepped Care Model

Private: Key populations in Central & Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Private: Key populations in Central & Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Through the participatory grantmaking model, we provide funding and structural support, including capacity strengthening, support in advocacy and coalition building, to key population-and/or key population-based organisations in the region.

  • Children,
  • LGBTIQ+ people,
  • People living with HIV,
  • People who use drugs,
  • Sex workers,
  • Young people,
Read more about Private: Key populations in Central & Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Vibrações – Stepped Care Model

Vibrações – Stepped Care Model

As a nationwide youth brand, Vibrações aims to enhance Mozambican young people’s sexual health and reproductive rights by addressing their different needs in a youth-friendly way.

  • LGBTIQ+ people,
  • People living with HIV,
  • Young people,
Read more about Vibrações – Stepped Care Model