Our strategy

AIDS is not over. Even though there the necessary medication exists, each day 269 children die of AIDS and 4800 young women get infected with HIV. Only 75% of people living with HIV are on treatment. People don’t have access to HIV and health services. They face exclusion due to stigma, discrimination, criminalisation, gender inequality, and lack of political will. People cannot claim their sexual and reproductive rights hence cannot live freely and fearlessly.
This is unacceptable. and unnecessary. So, what can we do?
For All that is Love is Aidsfonds organisational strategy 2022 – 2025. It reflects our mission, our response to a rapidly changing world and how to turn our three dream goals into reality: no more deaths from AIDS and no new HIV infections; sexual health and rights for all; and a cure available for everyone living with HIV.
Download our strategy
Partner with us!
Aidsfonds is interested in working together to further strengthen community leadership, increase HIV prevention choices, and improve treatment outcomes and quality of life of people living with or exposed to HIV. We want to talk to anyone who shares our dream and wants to join us on a journey toward a world free of AIDS.
Get in touch!