Emergency support fund for Ukraine and CEECA region

Since the start of the Russian invasion in Ukraine in 2022, we set up the Emergency Support Fund for Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries (ESFU) with the aim to ensure uninterrupted services and safety for people living with and vulnerable to HIV. The fund provides short-term small grants and mid-term support for community-led and community-based organisations in Ukraine and CEECA countries. Importantly, the granting process is flexible, low-threshold, and fast-paced.

In 2022, the Fund provided 64 grants to support 33 community-led organisations in Ukraine. This resulted in the assistance of 12.500 people with essential needs in the HIV response. It also contributed to the survival of community-led organisations in times of crisis.

Time frame

1 January 2022 – 30 December 2025


Children, LGBTIQ+ people, People living with HIV, People who use drugs, Sex workers, Young people


€ 5,500,000


Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan


thousand new HIV infections in 2021

51 %

people living with HIV were on treatment in 2021


people died of AIDS in 2021


Through the participatory grantmaking model (PGM), we provide funding and structural support, including capacity strengthening, support in advocacy and coalition building, to key population-and/or key population-based organisations in the region.

We make a minimum of €500.000 per year available to key population-led and –based organisations to ensure:

  • Access to HIV prevention, testing, treatment and adherence services for key populations
  • Reduced inequalities, including stigma, discrimination and criminalisation, that hinder an effective HIV response
  • Community systems strengthening, that allows for increased access to finance, building or joining coalitions and contribution to the overall HIV response system strengthening.

We know that directly supporting communities that are at the highest risk of infection is the most effective approach in the response to HIV/AIDS. They know best what they need to remove the barriers to prevention and treatment. Through the participatory grantmaking model, we provide funding and structural support, including capacity strengthening, support in advocacy and coalition building, to key population-led and/or key population-based organisations in the region.

That’s why in 2023 we proudly transferred grantmaking responsibilities to community-based organisations in the region (ECOM and APH). Together with them, we set up a participatory grantmaking model, whereby communities decide on the distribution of grants themselves. With the model, we follow the belief that, now more than ever, communities in the region should be at the steering wheel of the decisions on HIV programming and support. Through the participatory grantmaking model (PGM), we provide funding and structural support, including capacity strengthening, support in advocacy and coalition building, to key population-led and/or key population-based organisations in the region.

In the first half of 2023, our partners disbursed over 60 small grants in the CEECA region and 15 medium grants, supporting and strengthening communities that are facing new realities as a result of the war and the increased, and changing migration flows that follow this. In line with the PGM principle, the strategic direction and thematic priorities of the fund are advised by the Strategic Advisory Group, which is composed of key population community representatives. Interested to find out about current calls for proposals? Visit the AHP and ECOM websites.

Participatory grantmaking in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

In this video, we explain the importance of participatory grantmaking and what Aidsfonds has been doing to enable tailored responses for community-led organisations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Our investments provide community-based organisations with the direct care and support that is so desperately needed, and that it reaches places that are often overlooked

With support from

The Emergency Support Fund for Ukraine and Neighbouring Countries (ESFU) is supported by a grant from Gilead. The grant is part of Gilead’s Zeroing In program that aims to help reduce health disparities, improve access to quality healthcare, advance medical education and support local communities most impacted by the HIV epidemic and COVID-19 pandemic. We are thankful for Gilead’s unwavering support for the ESFU.

gilead logo

Partner with us!

Aidsfonds is interested in working together to further strengthen community leadership, increase HIV prevention choices, and improve treatment outcomes and quality of life of people living with or exposed to HIV. We want to talk to anyone who shares our dream and wants to join us on a journey toward a world free of AIDS.

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A young woman joyfully raises her arms in the air, expressing happiness and celebration.