News & Stories




News July 22, 2024
A diverse group of people walking in a line, reflected on a red surface, with a geometric and abstract background featuring blue and white colors.

New UNAIDS report: Key populations continue to be neglected in most HIV programmes

Figures from the new UNAIDS report ‘The Urgency of Now – AIDS at a Crossroads’, published prior to the 25th International AIDS Conference taking place in Germany this week, show that the AIDS response is making little progress globally. For the first time in the history of the HIV pandemic, more new infections are occurring outside sub-Saharan Africa than within. Three regions are experiencing rising numbers of new HIV infections: Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Middle East and North Africa. People from key populations and their sex partners continue to be neglected in most HIV programmes.

Read more about New UNAIDS report: Key populations continue to be neglected in most HIV programmes
Story May 23, 2024
A group of five people are sitting on the floor, collaborating and drawing on a large sheet of paper spread in the center. They are surrounded by a carpet with a circular pattern.

Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: Empowering Diversity and Youth Participation in Indonesia

The impact of barriers experienced by young people with diverse gender and sexuality backgrounds in Indonesia emerges in the context of issues of human rights fulfillment and meaningful engagement in health and legal services. Discriminatory regulations and inhospitable services for young people of diverse genders and sexualities place them in a more vulnerable position to higher HIV infection rates, and criminalisation.

Read more about Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges: Empowering Diversity and Youth Participation in Indonesia
News April 23, 2024
A scientist in protective gear analyzes samples in a high-containment lab, visible through a safety glass window with warning signs.

2024 Call for Proposals: HIV Cure

For the first time Sidaction and Aidsfonds are pleased to jointly launch a call for scientific proposals on the theme of HIV CURE with an overall budget of 2 million euros. This initiative, the fruit of an unprecedented collaboration between the two organisations, aims to mobilise researchers from France, the Netherlands and African countries around this crucial issue for global health. The goal of this ambitious initiative is to foster collaboration between researchers, institutions, and communities, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary and collaborative research on the cure for HIV.

Read more about 2024 Call for Proposals: HIV Cure
News April 03, 2024
AIDS ribbons

The Dutch Global Health Strategy: From Words to Actions

Next Thursday, the Dutch House of Representatives will discuss the Dutch Global Health Strategy for the first time. As Aidsfonds, we successfully campaigned with others for the introduction of such a strategy with a strong focus on HIV/AIDS and we continue to advocate for its effective implementation. In this article, we explain why the strategy came about, what it entails, why it is so important, and what the Dutch House of Representatives must do.

Read more about The Dutch Global Health Strategy: From Words to Actions




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