Support our work

We seek to join forces with other funders in our capacity as funder, advocate, and expert. Only by working together can we accelerate the work to realise sexual health and rights for all, make sure that no one dies of AIDS, and find a cure for HIV.
With a 30+ million euro annual grantmaking budget, we are constantly looking for ways to create the most impact with our funding. This is why we are actively exploring partnerships and collaborative efforts around pooled funds, leveraging different sources of funding, and exploring innovative financing mechanisms together with others. We are also active in philanthropy networks and events such as Philea, WINGS, and Ariadne to share our insights from participatory grantmaking and community leadership and to connect and learn from others who are championing a more inclusive, participatory, and fair funding ecosystem that is fit for addressing today’s biggest challenges.
Interested in finding out more?
We want to talk to anyone who shares our dream and wants to join us on a journey toward a world free of AIDS. Get in touch to find out more!
Get in touch!

How can I donate to Aidsfonds as a private individual?
We are grateful for your donation to Aidsfonds. For donations from outside the Netherlands (except USA):
Stichting Aidsfonds – Soa Aids Nederland
IBAN: NL37INGB0000008957
Address Bank:
ING Bank N.V. – Foreign Operations
PO Box 1800
The Netherlands
Address Organisation:
Stichting Aidsfonds – Soa Aids Nederland
Condensatorweg 54
The Netherlands
Please specify what you want to support.
For donations from USA and in case of any other questions, please contact us for more information.
How can I donate to Aidsfonds as a company?
Thank you for your interest in supporting Aidsfonds with your company. To discuss the possibilities, please get in touch with Sanne Schim van der Loeff, Relationships Manager at Aidsfonds.
How does Aidsfonds decide which partners and funders to work with?
We follow an internal due diligence process for every potential new partner taking into account different factors including alignment with our strategic goals and organisational values. If you have more questions about this process, feel free to reach out to us
Does Aidsfonds collaborate with pharmaceutical companies?
Aidsfonds currently receives financial contributions from pharmaceutical companies for two major projects. The Paediatric HIV Breakthrough Partnership is supported with €4.6M from the ViiV Healthcare Positive Action program for the period 2020-2026. Through Gilead Sciences’ Zeroing In program, we receive €4.5M for emergency aid in Ukraine and neighbouring countries during the period 2022-2025. Thanks to this support, we can take significant steps toward a world without AIDS.
Every partnership we enter into has to align with our strategy, vision, and values. Moreover, the independency of our work should never be compromised. Therefore, we analyse policies, activities, and internal and external monitoring mechanisms of the potential partner before collaboration and we formalise agreements. During the partnership we regularly evaluate the collaboration to ensure ongoing suitability.
For more information about our policy regarding corporate partnerships, read our Corporate Partnership Guidelines
What is the impact of Aidsfonds' work?
Annually we collect and summarize the impact of our work. Access our latest annual report for an impression of our work implemented last year and the results achieved. In addition, our project overview showcases interventions and results of individual projects