Scale up and Enhance HIV Paediatric Care with an Integrated Family Care Approach
The project will train 20 community health workers to strengthen their capacity to find, test, treat, retain in care of mothers and their children (0-14 years) and follow up to improve health outcomes. They play a critical role in conducting household visits with families to provide education on HIV, dispelling myths and reducing stigma and discrimination. In addition, the project will identify eight male mentors who are partners of women living with HIV (14-24 years). They will influence fellow male partners to take part in prevention of vertical transmission and paediatric HIV care programmes. It will also integrate community-based sports activities into the Kids to Care model to raise awareness for paediatric and adolescent HIV care services. The project will adapt the Clinic-CBO Collaboration (C3) model. The strengthened linkages between communities and health facilities help increase uptake of HIV services, combat stigma and discrimination, monitor quality and contribute to building stronger local health systems. This project will be implemented in four sub-counties in Zambia: Chisakila, Chiawa, Kambale and Chitende.
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