Mobilising community cadres to improve the paediatric HIV response

A woman in a red t-shirt has her arm around a young girl in a blue/white dress, smiling, in front of a brown wall
Last updated on: 29 February 2024

Rfactsheet cover Lafiyan Yara project Nigeriaesults and impact from the Lafiyan Yara project in Nigeria. The Lafiyan Yara (“wellbeing of children”) project is a community-based response to paediatric HIV run by the Society for Family Health Nigeria. It adapts and builds on integrated community case management models used to espond to malaria and other health issues, to respond to paediatric HIV. The project harnesses three cadres of community mobiliser who prevent new infections through eliminating vertical transmission and identify children living with HIV as early as possible so they can be linked to care and supported to live healthy lives. Lafiyan Yara was implemented between 2019-2022 in eight local government authorities in Taraba state with support from Aidsfonds.