Hands Off – Reducing violence against sex workers
The Hands Off programme works to reduce violence against sex workers at community, national and regional level.
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While combating violence is the domain of the police, in South Africa they were major perpetrators of violence. Aidsfonds financed and supported the development of the Dignity, Diversity and Policing training manual to address
the stigmatising and discriminatory attitudes by South African Police. The big result is that it has worked: sex workers experience less violence, notably also at the hands of the police.
Police (who have been trained) better understand that harassing sex workers is not ‘enforcing the law’ … And they understand the link between HIV and raping sex workers or having unprotected sex with sex workers.
– COC programme coordinator
This year, during the 16 Days of Activism, we call out to once and for all decriminalise sex work. For 16 days, we will share impactful stories and successful approaches. Join us to #DecrimSexWork now! Dive into our 16 Days of Activism stories here!