Panel Discussions: Advancing HIV Cure in Africa

Panel Discussions: Advancing HIV Cure in Africa
Last updated on: 26 February 2024

Recently Aidsfonds hosted two highly exciting 60-minutes panel-discussions as part of the NL4Cure Spring Symposium 2023. During the 2 webinars we discussed how researchers, communities and other stakeholders from high income countries can work equitably with low- and middle-income countries in the interests of finding an HIV cure for all.

Remko van Leeuwen, strategic advisor for HIV cure studies at Aidsfonds was joined by co-host Jessica Salzwedel from AVAC and Cynthia Lungu from the Erasmus MC HIV Eradication Group. Together they explored with two panels of scientific experts and members from affected communities which integrated interventions are needed to achieve durable HIV control. Additionally, during the webinar, they explored the contextual barriers, facilitators, and perspectives of stakeholders for implementation, so that Africa is not left behind as HIV cure research becomes mainstream in richer parts of the world.

Panel 1: Scientific Priorities

Advancing HIV Cure in Africa – Panel 1: Scientific Priorities for HIV Cure in Africa from Aidsfonds on Vimeo.

Panel 2: Advocacy and Community Involvement for HIV Cure

Advancing HIV Cure in Africa – Panel 2: Advocacy and Community Involvement for HIV Cure from Aidsfonds on Vimeo.