Aidsfonds introduces community-driven Paediatric HIV Advisory Panel
Last updated on: 29 February 2024
We are thrilled to announce our inaugural Paediatric HIV Advisory Panel for the years 2023-2024. The panel’s primary role is to advise Aidsfonds on paediatric HIV strategies, models, and funding mechanisms, as well as to collaborate in the decision-making process for funding, including Aidsfonds’ calls for proposals aiming to expand the Kids to Care model to Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, and Indonesia/West Papua under the paediatric HIV programs.
A wealth of experience
Five dedicated members bring a wealth of experience in community-based paediatric HIV, capacity building of health workers on paediatric HIV, lived experiences as mothers living with HIV, strengthening caregivers’ literacy on paediatric HIV treatment, and advocacy for the rights of children living with HIV. We are proud to introduce Cindy Amaiza, Mark Ddungu, Azizuyo Brenda Facy, Helena Nangombe, and Ayu Oktariani.
All Advisory Panel members have expressed their enthusiasm, joy, and unwavering dedication to being part of this transformative initiative. Ayu shared: “I am also delighted to know that Aidsfonds’ paediatric HIV approach aligns with our values back home, where it’s crucial to ensure that all children living with HIV receive the support they need to begin and sustain their treatment and lead healthy lives.” Mark added: “I love collaborating with facility and community teams to innovate ways to enhance the lives of children and adolescents living with HIV.”
Representing community voices
They are committed to representing the voices of their communities by ensuring that the perspectives and needs of those they serve are genuinely considered in policy and decision-making processes. Together, they will work towards addressing issues related to the rights of children and young women living with HIV, striving to provide them with equal access to affordable, timely, acceptable, and quality HIV care services. The panel members come from different countries including Indonesia, Kenya, Namibia, and Uganda.
Shaping our Paediatric HIV programs
Our commitment to community-driven decision-making lies at the heart of our 2022-2025 strategy. We passionately believe that empowering the communities most affected is the key to impactful change. Community members possess exceptional insights into what works and what does not, thanks to their deep understanding of the intersections between issues and solutions. By introducing the Paediatric HIV Advisory Panel, we ensure that their expertise shapes our paediatrics HIV programs. This not only enhances our strategies but also ensures open, continuous, and critical feedback on the effectiveness of our efforts.
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