For the first time Sidaction and Aidsfonds are pleased to jointly launch a call for scientific proposals on the theme of HIV CURE with an overall budget of 2 million euros.
This initiative, the fruit of an unprecedented collaboration between the two organisations, aims to mobilise researchers from France, the Netherlands and African countries around this crucial issue for global health. The goal of this ambitious initiative is to foster collaboration between researchers, institutions, and communities, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary and collaborative research on the cure for HIV.
With this call, we aim to fund research ultimately leading to biomedical breakthroughs, social acceptance of cure interventions and promotion of an HIV cure available to the maximum of people living with HIV worldwide.
The call is open to projects including in silico, in vitro, pre-clinical, social, economic, or clinical research. Interdisciplinary and collaborative research is encouraged. Larger projects (>300k EUR) should be multidisciplinary (combining basic, translational, and/or social research) and ideally integrate multi-country collaborations.
How to apply
To apply you must submit a letter of intent describing the background, objective, design and relevance of the project to the HIV Cure. This letter must be written according to this template and sent exclusively to
Submission of Letters of Intent: 16th June 2024
Evaluation of Letters of Intent: June 2024
Announcement of pre-selected projects: July 2024
Submission of full proposals: 26th September 2024
Selection of winning projects: November 2024
Announcement of winners: December 2024
Aidsfonds announces call for applications for its Emergency Fund for HIV Response
Aidsfonds announces call for applications for its Emergency Fund for HIV Response
Aidsfonds set up an emergency fund for HIV response to support current and past Aidsfonds and Robert Carr Fund (RCF) grantees and partners. With the fund Aidsfonds aims to continue life-saving prevention and treatment for people living with HIV or vulnerable to HIV in response to the 90-day pause for all Unites States foreign assistance.
Global research: U.S. Freeze on HIV Funding Threatens Lives of Hundreds of Thousands
Global research: U.S. Freeze on HIV Funding Threatens Lives of Hundreds of Thousands
The recent decision by the U.S. government to halt the PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) program for 90 days has catastrophic consequences for the global HIV response. To assess the impact of this crisis, Aidsfonds, GNP+, and the Robert Carr Fund conducted a survey among organisations and networks directly involved in HIV prevention and treatment. The results are alarming: 95% of respondents report being directly affected by these measures. More than half (57%) of the organisations estimate that this crisis will impact more than a million people.