People who use drugs

People who use drugs often face severe stigma and discrimination and lack access to much-needed health services. Even when these services are available, many drug users are afraid to make use of them because of fear of imprisonment and human rights abuses. As a result, sharing/using unsterile injecting equipment is the primary route of HIV transmission in many regions in the world.

To end the HIV epidemic, we need to enable communities most affected by and at risk of HIV –like people who use drugs. They play a crucial role in the solution, because they know best what is needed and what works. The Love Alliance programme brings all those communities together to end AIDS. The programme builds on existing evidence on the effectiveness of rights-based responses and advocates for adequate levels of funding and for taking truly human rights-based programmes to scale.


Two people holding hands

Love Alliance

Love Alliance

The Love Alliance is based on an unwavering commitment to protecting, promoting and fulfilling SRHR globally, unifying people who use drugs, sex workers and LGBTIQ+ movements, and amplifying the diversity of voices in these communities.

  • Adolescent girls and young women,
  • LGBTIQ+ people,
  • People living with HIV,
  • People who use drugs,
  • Sex workers,
  • Young people,
Read more about Love Alliance