Kids to Care learned us to invest more in the community

Dr Eleanor Namusoke Magongo
Last updated on: 06 June 2024

The Kids to Care model has revealed, further strengthened the need for us to support the communities more to strengthen what we are doing there as the Ministry of Health, working with the different partners that support us to implement our HIV program. Says Dr Eleanor Namusoke Magongo, Lead National HIV Program for Children and Adolescents of the Ministry of Health in Uganda. She has been involved in Kids to Care in Uganda. Watch her interview!

Dr Eleanor Namusoke Magongo (Ministry of Health Uganda) about the Kids to Care Model

“The Kids to Care model has been very instrumental in teaching us that if we are to end AIDS in children, if we are to reach the last mile in HIV programming for children, we must go to the community. We’ve done a lot at facility level, there’s still a lot that we can do to make a difference at the community. Most of these children spent most of their time in the community with their families. So the Kids to Care model has revealed, further strengthened the need for us to support the communities more to strengthen what we are doing there as the Ministry of Health, working with the different partners that support us to implement our HIV program.

We need to invest more in the community, that’s what we’ve learned from this model. We need to focus on a holistic approach in supporting children and their caregivers. Aidsfonds has been able to work with community partners, to create community structures that are sustainable in supporting children who are living with HIV, and also their families. And very, very important, the Kids to Care model has been instrumental in showing us that we can have successful programs that are aligned with the Ministry of Health approaches.”

About the Kids to Care model

Aidsfonds works in collaboration with governments and in-country partners, to test and scale up community-based paediatric HIV programmes. These are based on our Kids to Care model which:

• Empowers communities to find and support pregnant women and children living with HIV
• Strengthens the links between communities and health facilities.

Community health workers are a crucial link at all four stages of HIV care for children: find, test, start and stay. It means children can live healthily with HIV.

Learn more about the Kids to Care model