Our governance

Hold hands _ Cynthia R Matonhodze_Aidsfonds_185

Aidsfonds is part of Aidsfonds – Soa Aids Nederland, a non-governmental organisation based in the Netherlands and with advocacy staff in Brussels. Our organisation is an approved charity by The Netherlands Fundraising Regulator (CBF).


Executive Director

Mark Vermeulen

Management Team

Koos Boering, Finance & Services
Sally Hendriks, National Programmes
Eva Matze, Marketing & Communications
Lynn Werlich, International Programmes

Supervisory Board

Mieke Baltus, chair
Lucas Vos, chair audit committee
Harriet Birungi
Leonard Bukenya
Mmabatho Motsamai
Anna Zakowicz

Advisory Panel

Jorian van Schagen (he/him) – chair
Ndifanji Namacha -vice chair
Amanda Mariga
Cissy Kityo Mutuluuza
Denis Nzioka
Joy Ogingo
Peter Reiss
Camiel Welling (he/they/she)
Marthe Zeldenrust

Diversity and Inclusion at Aidsfonds – Soa Aids Nederland

As an organisation, we are committed to diversity and inclusion as a reflection of the society and the communities we work with, in the Netherlands and globally, building on all that we share. A diverse workforce is key to greater innovation, flexibility, and better fulfillment of our organisational ambitions. By having an inclusive organization that puts communities first, also in our own workforce, we achieve greater impact in the field of sexual health, STI, and HIV/AIDS response.

In doing so, our organization encourages and safeguards an open culture in which all colleagues with their diverse characteristics, competencies, and lived experiences* feel respected and valued. This means that there is an organizational culture where differences are possible and welcomed.

The starting point for our inclusive organization is the extent to which each colleague perceives a sense of belonging, space for authenticity and safety and all are committed to contribute.

To achieve more diversity and inclusion, we work along the following three approaches:

  1. our organisation: our own composition, manners, working atmosphere, recruitment, and employment conditions, working conditions
  2. our partners: the networks, stakeholders, and communities with whom we work or want to work
  3. our expressions: the way in which we give shape to what we stand for in our communications, publications, (learning) materials

* For example, but not limited to: age, ethnicity, competencies, work styles, HIV status, illness or disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, sex characteristics, migration background or nationality, socio-economic status, educational background, religion, emotional expression, and language

Partner with us!

Aidsfonds is interested in working together to further strengthen community leadership, increase HIV prevention choices, and improve treatment outcomes and quality of life of people living with or exposed to HIV. We want to talk to anyone who shares our dream and wants to join us on a journey toward a world free of AIDS.

Get in touch!

Get involved
A young woman joyfully raises her arms in the air, expressing happiness and celebration.